Tenant Participation
Under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010 tenants were given a statutory right to receive certain information from their landlords and to be consulted on a variety of issues. This legislation underpins our ongoing commitment to place service users at the heart of our work.
Right to Information
- You will be given a written tenancy agreement.
- We will provide you with information about our complaints procedure.
- On request we will provide you with information on a range of matters, including policies on rent setting, allocations, repairs and maintenance and our tenant participation strategy.
Right to Consultation
We will consult with you when making or changing:
- our policies relating to housing services provision, where this is likely to significantly affect you
- our tenant participation strategy
- decisions about the provision of information relating to our standards of service provision and performance
- We will also consult with you on any proposals to change the rent and service charges.
- We will take account of your views before making any final decision. Consultation with you will involve providing you with clear and relevant information in an accessible form and giving you reasonable time to express your views.
In general we will:
- use your feedback to improve our service delivery to you and take it into account when deciding on any policy changes
- set targets for key areas of service provision and other aspects of our work and let you know the outcomes annually
- regularly monitor our performance and measure it against internal targets, relevant performance indicators set by The Scottish Housing Regulator and draw comparisons with similar type organisations