Scottish Housing Regulator
As a registered social landlord (RSL) Rosehill is regulated by the Scottish Housing Regulator. The Scottish Housing Regulator was established on 1 April 2011 under the Housing (Scotland) Act 2010. Its objective is to safeguard and promote the interests of tenants and others who use local authority and RSL housing services. The Regulator operates independently of Scottish Ministers and is accountable directly to the Scottish Parliament. It assumed its full regulatory responsibilities on 1 April 2012. The Regulator has published a guide for tenants and service users on how it regulates social landlords in Scotland. It explains who they are and what they do, how they do it, and how to raise a concern about your landlord. For more information about the Regulator you can visit their website
We have consisently been recognised as a very good performer. We are required to make annual submissions to the Regulator on our performance over a range of activities.
The Scottish Social Housing Charter was first launched in 2012 and is reviewed on a 5 yearly basis, with the latest version coming into effect in November 2022. The Charter sets out standards and outcomes that social rented landlords are required to meet. The Scottish Housing Regulator is responsible for monitoring and regulating landlord's performance in relation to meeting these standards and outcomes. As part of this, each year landlords must provide information on their performance against the Charter's standards and outcomes to the Regulator. Based on this information the Regulator publishes a Landlord Report for each social rented landlord around August each year. In addition to this Report, in March each year the Regulator publishes an Engagement Plan for each social landlord, our latest plan was published in April 2024.
In addition to submitting information to the Regulator on our performance against the charter we also report a variety of other information. A full set of Audited Accounts are reported for each financial year and all our stock information is submitted.
From October 2019 all Social Landlords Management Committee's have to submit an Annual Assurance Statement to the regulator. This provides assurance that organisations comply with the relevant requirements of chapter 3 of the Regulatory Framework. This includes regulatory requirements that apply to all social landlords and the Standards of Governance and Financial Management that apply to Registered Social Landlords (RSL's). Our latest Annual Assurance Statement was published in October 2024.