Following the successful outcome of the ballot at our Special General Meeting on 17th September, which saw 88% of votes cast being in favour of Rosehill adopting new rules and changing its name to Rosehill Housing Association Limited, we are pleased to announce that we have received approval from the Financial Conduct Authority and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator of the changes. We are now a charitable registered housing association and are now called Rosehill Housing Association Limited. Our charity number can be found under the “Legal Information” listed at the bottom of our website.
As we advised during the engagement process with our members/tenants, nothing changes on a day-to-day basis:
- The tenancy agreement remains unchanged, tenants will still have the same rights and responsibilities;
- The services we currently provide e.g. repairs service, remain the same;
- Our office will still be at 250 Peat Road;
- Our staff team remains the same;
- Tenants’ membership of Rosehill will continue. (However tenants will now have the choice to stay a member or cancel their membership without affecting their tenancy agreement);
- Existing members of the Management Committee will remain in their roles.